Friend ...

This past week, House Democrats hiding behind the title of impeachment managers have revealed their impeachment sham's true motive: Power.

Here in California, Democrats used dirty power-grab tactics like ballot harvesting to flip Republican seats to secure their majority ... and they're gearing up to do it AGAIN.

It's time to take back a Republican majority in the House and put an end to their power grabs!

But with my month-end deadline fast approaching, and voting-by-mail for the California primaries beginning in less than a week, I'm falling short of our monthly fundraising target.

Will you help me close the gap and raise another $5,000 before my Friday night deadline by chipping in $25, $40 or even $100 or more to help House conservatives win back the majority?


Friend, select your month-end contribution level below

Democrats will not stop pushing for power. They have their eyes set on stripping you and I of our freedoms – from taking away constitutional rights to eliminating entire industries... they have no boundaries.

I am working diligently every day to ensure the Left does not gain even more power to tear our nation apart and destroy our economy – but we need your help.

Ensure House conservatives can take back the majority by chipping in $100, $50 or even $25 or less to help me close the gap on our January fundraising target before the month ends.

For America,

Congressman Ken Calvert

Paid for and authorized by
Ken Calvert for Congress

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