Snowdrop Foundation

The Snowdrop Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to raising money to help young people who have overcome cancer pay their educational expenses. In this video the organization's founder, Kevin Kline, shares the story of why he left a successful radio career to dedicate his life to this cause.

Amy Poeppel's The Sweet Spot

Bestselling Novelist Amy Poeppel discusses her latest book The Sweet Spot and reflects on her later-in-life career change that took her from working in an office to being featured in bookstores and libraries around the country.

Beep Baseball

Baseball season is here again! In this video you'll meet the Gateway Archers, who play Beep Baseball. This is a version of the American pastime specially designed for players who are blind or have visual impairments.

The Sheldon Galleries

Currently on show at the Sheldon Galleries are five new exhibits exploring landscapes, African American experiences, and student work. These exhibits continue through May 6th.

Repertory Theatre of St. Louis

Read Gerry Kowarsky's review of Agatha Christie’s Murder on the Orient Express, currently being presented by the Rep on the campus of Webster University.

Bioscience Startups

Women are often an underrepresented group in the field of bioscience. But there are a few trailblazers creating startups here in St. Louis. In this video you'll meet Biochemist Hungjie Guo, PhD, and Microbiologist Mary Fernandes, PhD, who are both leading  groundbreaking bioscience companies.
Watch Spotlight every Sunday at 9:30 a.m. on Channel 11
In this week's episode, a heartwarming story about women in messy and sometimes hilarious situations, new technology being created at Washington University that could prevent the next pandemic, from outdoor paintings with beautiful colors to photos of unidentified people on display at the Sheldon Art Galleries, America's favorite past time modified for people who are blind or have low sight, and a family tradition to kick off the Cardinal's baseball season.
You can see this and more episodes of Spotlight right now at

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St. Louis’ four time winner of the Station Excellence Emmy Award and the world's foremost creator of distance learning, HEC Media is the metropolitan area's leading producer of education, arts, and cultural programming. HEC can be seen on Spectrum 989, AT&T U-verse channel 99, over-the-air digital channel 2.2, and anytime on

HEC Media's mission is to "Strengthen and promote the education, arts, and cultural communities in theSt. Louis metropolitan area."

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