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Monday, April 3rd, 2023


Our Guns Protect Us Against Tyranny

Lew Rockwell

No More Double Standards and Impunity. West Provokes Russia. Result: Nukes in Belarus on NATO’s Borders

Strategic Culture

Indicting Trump Is the End of US Politics

Tom Luongo

Arrested for Running for Sheriff

Allan Stevo

Total Narrative Collapse

Alexandra Bruce

Banana Time for the Rule of Law

Roger Kimball

Did They Light Up a Cigarette Afterward?

James Howard Kunstler

Wednesday at the Track Meet

Restoring Truth

How Jimmy Dore Broke Out of the Propaganda Matrix

Dr. Joseph Mercola

The 2nd Amendment’s Misconstrued ‘Militia’

Brian McGlinchey

History of US-NATO Military Campaigns (1991-2023)

Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti

How 100 Years of Psychological Torture Experiments Culminated With Covid-19 — Dr. Breggin Interview

Man in America

Political Theatre

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