![]() Patriot, The RESTRICT Act is the globalists' legislative vehicle to destroy freedom and privacy on the Internet. Last week, we warned you it would destroy free speech online, by both threatening you directly and by threatening the social media networks that people use to share information. If anything you say could be possibly imagined by a federal agent to be "dangerous" to American interests – and as the indictment of President Trump has proven, their imagination is limitless – they could bring federal felony charges against you and/or any social network that allows you to speak. But there's even MORE that the RESTRICT Act would do to violate your privacy. The bill is written so broadly that it could criminalize the use of virtual private networks – VPNs – people use every single day to browse the Web privately. VPNs encrypt your Internet connection and use proxy servers to keep your location private, which also makes them useful to get around location-based firewalls. And there is nothing illegal about them. So, if some of the 150 million American users of TikTok decide to use a VPN to get around the ban the RESTRICT Act proposes, they could face up to $1 million in fines and 20 years in prison for accessing an app "controlled by a foreign adversary." Advocates for cryptocurrency have the same concerns: ALL bitcoin transactions could be conceived as "serving foreign interests" and decentralized apps that feature cryptocurrency services could be BANNED. The bill's sponsor, Mark Warner (D-VA), claims the bill isn't intended to be used in this way . . . as if that means anything and as if we could believe him. The RESTRICT Act is just one more way for the government to spy on innocent Americans without a warrant, and then push the limits of the law well beyond what the law says . . . again. Patriot, if you don't think prosecutors wouldn't stretch the law to its limit and contort it beyond recognition to weaponize the legal system against political opponents . . . you haven't read the news this week. That’s why it’s so crucial you send your directive to your representative and senators in Congress to outright REJECT the RESTRICT Act right away! ![]() Under the pretext of banning the Chinese app TikTok, the RESTRICT Act would allow the Biden administration to control speech on the Internet, under threat of being federally prosecuted for a 20-year felony. The possibilities for abuse are endless: Spying on you, by preventing you from using the Internet anonymously and
using cryptocurrency. . . Sliming you, by labeling you an agent of “foreign countries” if the Biden regime deems your speech to benefit its enemies. . . Silencing you, by making your free speech a federal crime and threatening social networks with federal crimes if they don’t censor you on their platforms. This is nothing less than the complete destruction of the First Amendment. This bill would give the government express power to control public speech. And given everything we have seen from the government recently – demanding a sitting president be banned from Twitter, censoring the truth about Covid, vaccines, the Biden family’s corrupt dealings, and on and on – you can be absolutely CERTAIN this unconstitutional and authoritarian power will be abused with you and me as the clear targets. Now that bill sponsor Mark Warner is furiously denying the bill will do what the bill would do, and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is saying he doesn’t think he supports the bill he cosponsored, the tide may be turning. But we MUST keep up the pressure or the statists in D.C. will RAM it through with no warning! ![]() Think of it! Ordinarily, they give the most pernicious, most dangerous bills misleading names. •
Spy on Americans? Call it the “PATRIOT” Act!
• Tax, spend, and inflate? Call it the “Inflation Reduction” Act! • Universal Gun Registration? Call it the “SAFE” Act! (New York did.) This time, they just came out and said it: The RESTRICT Act would close your airway and STRANGLE free speech in America. The “RESTRICT” Act would not just destroy free speech on social media. . . It would destroy Free Speech in America – period. It’s our patriotic duty to speak out . . . while we still CAN. Certainly, that means spreading the word, Patriot. You can help your Campaign for Liberty get the word out by simply forwarding this email widely to pro-liberty friends and family. But it’s absolutely critical you click here and voice your opposition to the RESTRICT Act, and DEMAND your senators and representative vote NO. Right now, your legislators in D.C. are wondering: How many of them know what this is really about? We need to prove to them that this tyrannical scheme has been exposed. ![]() This is a fast-moving event in Washington right now. Please send your directive to Congress immediately. We never disclose your personal information to anyone and only include your name and city in communications to Congress. This is a fight we can win, right now! After you’ve sent your directive to Congress to defeat the RESTRICT Act, please make your most generous contribution to Campaign for Liberty to help us inform and mobilize more patriots to save Free Speech. If you’re able to donate $10, $25, $50, or even $100 or $250, we can turn up the pressure and shut this proposed law down NOW! Because it’s not enough to know the truth: we must act to defeat this dangerous legislation, right now. And the more people we can reach with your support, the more we can bring this tyrannical power grab to a crashing halt! Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. This dangerous bill is moving through Congress RIGHT NOW, just as the people are discovering what it’s really about. Don’t hesitate – Send your directive RIGHT NOW! ![]() And if possible, please support Campaign for Liberty with your most generous contribution to make a stronger fight! Can you make a gift today of $25, $50, $100, or even $250 or $500? Your support is always appreciated in our fight for liberty. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club
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autographed by Ron Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty,
constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |
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