Thank you for your anger, your solidarity and your action. Thank you for standing up for our shared vision of a safe, free, just and democratic Israel.
J Street

Stand with Israeli Pro-democracy Protesters. Click to add your name.


I’m writing to you from Israel, where friends, family, colleagues and I have joined hundreds of thousands of pro-democracy protesters for weeks.

Together, we’re fighting against anti-democratic “reforms” pushed by extremists trying to evade accountability and restrict pluralism within our borders, while seeking a free hand to pursue settlements, cruelty and annexation beyond them.

To our American friends who have rallied, donated, signed petitions, lobbied leaders and spoken out in defense of our shared Jewish and democratic values: Thank you 🙏

Thank you for your anger, your solidarity and your action. Thank you for standing up for our shared vision of a safe, free, just and democratic Israel.

Over 100 Members of Congress are now on record against this attack on our democracy. President Biden -- with characteristic restraint and friendship -- has made clear he objects to these reforms, ruling out a White House invitation to Netanyahu in the near term.

Let me assure you, their voices and yours have been heard loud and clear in Israel. This support has been deeply meaningful to the pro-democracy movement here -- and has been deeply impactful on the national debate.

Together, we’ve pushed Netanyahu to delay his plans. Now, we must work to defeat them.

While the fight is not over yet, I want to take this moment to thank you, sincerely, for standing with us in this moment.

Yours in gratitude,

Yuval Peretz
Israel Program Senior Associate, J Street Israel

PS. If you have not yet added your name, please consider joining with thousands of other Jewish and pro-Israel Americans in signing your name to show your solidarity with Israel’s pro-democracy protesters. Here’s the link to the petition >>

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace, pro-democracy Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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