Following the Guardian's announcement that the news company would refuse advertising by coal, oil and fossil gas companies, we’re demanding that Reuters and other global media organisations follow suit. Sign the petition to help make fossil ads toxic!

Hi John,

Earlier today, the Guardian announced a ban on ads by fossil fuel companies. [1] That’s brilliant - and a very special opportunity for us to pressure their competitors to follow suit, and to make coal, oil and gas ads truly toxic for publishers. 

Reuters is one of the world’s largest news companies. But their millions of monthly website and mobile app readers continue to see ads by the polluting coal and oil industries. The money that pays for these ads comes from climate destruction.

With its massive global reach, Reuters sets the standards for news media across Europe and the world. Recently the news agency joined the Covering Climate Now initiative on improving climate crisis reporting in the media. [2] So now, we’re demanding they take their responsibility seriously, and follow the Guardian in banning fossil fuel adverts.

Their Advertising Guidelines say that Reuters can refuse ads if they put the agency’s reputation at risk. [3] Let’s show them that unless they ban fossil ads, their reputation will really suffer. 

Sign the petition and help put direct pressure on Reuters! >>>

For a long time, fossil fuel companies have been able to infiltrate our public spaces, media, cultural institutions, even our schools. At the same time they’re profiting from destroying the climate, and preventing any meaningful climate action by lobbying our politicians.

It's time we demand unbiased, reliable media, free from the toxic influence of coal, oil and gas corporations. It's time newspapers stopped publishing greenwashing ads, and stopped accepting money made on environmental and social destruction.

The Guardian’s move to refuse fossil fuel advertising is an important breakthrough and one that signals a big shift in public perception of fossil fuels. It also highlights a worrying link between the media we trust to tell us the truth about the world, and the oil and gas industry known for trying to obscure it.

Its global reach and commitment to quality reporting make Reuters the natural target of our campaign to demand a fossil free media. Will Reuters listen, and ban greenwashing fossil ads, or will they keep taking dirty money and lose their face?

Sign the petition and call on Reuters to stop accepting adverts from coal, oil and gas companies.

Only in recent months we’ve seen museums, galleries and universities break their ties with fossil fuels. We’ve called on Facebook to change their advertising guidelines. Step by step, we’re removing the fossil industry’s license to operate.


Julia for the 350 Europe team


[1] The Guardian to ban advertising from fossil fuel firms

[2] Covering Climate Now 

[3] Advertising Guidelines, Reuters is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing.

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