what's happened, what's next for April...
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Hello, True Texan friends! 

Here's what happened last week... and everything you need to know for this week!  It's the True Texan Weekly Newsletter!

Last Week In Pictures


True Texas Project was in da house at a DFW meet-up
where Shelley Luther & Tim Georgeff of CRUSH
performed their all-request music show.


After 4 rain outs, our True Texans won the opening night softball game, 13-7!


Fran, Fred, Julie, and our great team of trainers headed down to the Rio Grande Valley on Friday to provide our Citizen Advocate Training.  We offered great classes on how to be an activist, how to run for office, how to clean up the libraries, what to do with a Post-Constitutional America, and more!  Your next chance to receive this training is April 22 in DFW.  Register HERE!

We had several other events last week, so next time send in some pics and you might get your 15 minutes of fame!


True Texan Day at the Capitol

Legislative Update

It was a busy week at the Capitol with lots of important bills in committees, a whole frenzy of registering and/or testifying on bills, and a bit of craziness!

  • Tuesday was our True Texan Day at the Capitol.  About 50 folks joined us for a day of learning, updates from our legislators, a meeting with Comptroller Glenn Hegar, and a tour of the Supreme Court and Criminal Court of Appeals building.
  • Our activists testified on 6 bills, registered for dozens of others, and delivered position papers to both the House and Senate Transportation Committees on some really BAD bills!
  • Monday the House Public Health Committee heard HB1686 to ban gender mutilation of children. Trans supporters were out in force disrupting the process and being generally obnoxious. The meeting went until about midnight, and afterwards people had difficulty exiting the building.

Leftists block halls at the Capitol by laying across the floor.

Join us this Tuesday, April 4, at 10am in the Rotunda for new Citizen Advocate assignments. Then on Tuesday, April 24, we'll offer another training on how to testify at hearings. That will be from 10am to 12 noon in Ag Commissioner Sid Miller's conference room.
To read Fran's weekly legislative summary, click here.

Can you believe it? Texas Tough is ONLY 3 weeks away. 🤯


In just 3 weeks Kari Lake is coming to fire up Texans dedicated to saving Texas. It will be a fantastic time to get energized and connect with friends and patriots around the state.

Rick Green will emcee the event, including dinner, fireworks, fellowship, live music, dancing, and the famous Twin Sisters' cannons. You don't want to miss this; click the button below to snag your tickets!

Deadline is April 7, and there are only a little over 100 seats left!

Coming to Texas Tough?  Make it a weekend!

Activist Training! Here's your chance to become a Certified True Texan!  Classes are being offered the day following Texas Tough, which is April 22.  Don't know what it means to be certified?  Check it out here, and then sign up!  (Tip: you don't have to have gone to Texas Tough).  We're offering 4 of our 5 core classes.  They get rave reviews!


Texas Tough will be a fantastic event, and we're excited to get all dressed up, host Kari Lake, and have a grand evening together. We don't have to have a party, of course. We could ask for donations by telling you about all the truly stunning work True Texas Project is doing to save Texas and hope you will see what a great return you'll get on your investment. But how much more fun is it to have a great night out??? That's a no-brainer! I've heard from one or two people, "Texas Tough is too expensive." Nah... losing Texas is too expensive. Property taxes are too expensive. Mutilating children is too morally expensive. An open border is too expensive. A huge party with great patriots, dinner & dancing, fireworks & cannons? Priceless -- and that's just the bonus you get for contributing to a cause you should already be contributing to anyway!  😉 Fighting back takes money, and nearly everything we offer is FREE. Sometimes we have to raise money too! The "worth it" part is not about Kari Lake... it's about True Texas Project working to save Texas.

But hey... if you'd rather not go to the party and just donate without the reward, you can always just click here.  We are grateful if you do!

Attendance Contest 📈

Less than a month to go in our contest!  Make sure you're inviting people to the April meetings because each new face raises your percentage roughly 1%!  Here are the current Top 5 satellites:

  1. Brazos Valley
  2. Ellis County
  3. Denton County
  4. Beaumont Area
  5. Rio Grande Valley

But... it really is still anyone's ball game. Get folks to the April meeting and win a party for your location!

Local Elections

We've begun compiling lists of recommended candidates for the upcoming local elections for city councils, ISD boards, and county colleges.  This list is ever-changing, so check back often!  And don't forget to get your TTP yard sign out to tell your neighbors where to find help with their choices!

Early voting starts April 24.  Election Day is May 6.


TTP yard signs are sold at all TTP meetings for $10.

Where can I find...?

Have you ever checked out our website? It is chalk-full of good information. Take a look at this, for example:


If you ever wanna get to our most popular social media links and don't know where to find them, you do now! Let's say you missed a meeting we livestreamed. Just go to our website, click on the YouTube link in the top left corner, and voila -- there are all our videos!  You can also link to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

I'll share other tidbits from our website in future newsletters, but feel free to dig around and see what treasures you may find.  

This week at True Texas Project... 🗓️

You can always see our upcoming events by checking the Events page at this link but here’s a complete list of the week ahead. Click on the images to enlarge them, or right click to save them for sharing!  And remember, no matter where you live, you are welcome at any meeting or event.

Monday 4/3
Rockwall/Kaufman County
Coffee Social



Monday 4/3
Brazos Valley
Lunch Social


Thursday 4/6
Bay Area
Happy Hour Social

Saturday 4/8
Beaumont Area
Coffee Social


April is here!

A new month = new calendars, and we provide two of them.  One is for social activities we offer, and the other is for our monthly satellite meetings.  Here are April's! (Click to enlarge).  Get these meetings, social events, and training opportunities on your schedule.  As always, you can find more information on each individual event on our website or on our Facebook page.



💰💰💰 Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock... Hurry to win $1000!!!💰💰💰

Remind the high school seniors you know that April 15 is the deadline to apply for our scholarship HERE!

Thanks for reading!

If you have questions, tips, or encouragement for the True Texas Team, reply to this email, and we’ll talk to you soon.

God Bless Texas!

Julie and team

P.S. During our trip to the Capitol on Tuesday, something happened that left me unsettled and unable to sleep. I had to address it, and so I did... here

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