Hi John,
In this update:
- Public Meeting: Law and Order with Mark Mitchell - THIS WEEK!
- Easter events
- Recent policy announcements on education and electrifying NZ.

First up, a final reminder about our public meeting in Levin this
coming Wednesday. I've spoken with many local business owners who have
genuine concern for their own safety, not to mention the countless
people who contact me with community safety concerns from gangs to ram
raids. Please join us:
- Wednesday April 5th
- 5pm
- Levin Senior Citizen's Hall
- 1 Montgomery St, Levin

There's a lot happening in our region. I'll be at the local Easter
markets, including Foxton and Waikanae, so please stop me and say hi.
I've also got a number of local meetings and visits, as well as
hosting MP Chris Bishop.
I'm also looking forward to Anzac Day in our community after I
spent Anzac Day last year on the WWI battlefields in Europe. It was
very special, but it will be good to be at home this year.

Teaching the Basics Brilliantly
Did you see our recent Education announcement? I've had a very
encouraging response locally, including parents, grandparents and
teachers. I understand that there is more to growing our children than
just maths, reading and writing, but if we fail at the basics, and to
be clear we have been failing our kids on the most basic things, then
we create massive issues for the future. We need to give them the best
possible start for their own sake, and so they can compete on the
world stage. I'm a big supporter of this policy, and have been calling
for a focus on things like teaching phonics for a long time. It's not
just about the students, it's also about how we support teachers and
trainee teachers to better equip them with the skills they need to
teach things like handwriting, which New Zealand hasn't been great at
over the last 20 years. Read
more here.

Electrify NZ
We all want to look after our planet, and embrace new technologies
like EVs, but we need the infrastructure to support this. Currently,
we power electric cars by importing more coal than ever before (under
the current Labour Government since 2017). This is absolute
National's plan is to set the conditions so we can power up our
electric infrastructure. A wind-farm that takes two years to build,
currently takes eight years to consent! This is Labour Party madness.
Our plan:
- Turbo-charge new renewable power projects including solar, wind
and geothermal by requiring decisions on resource consents to be
issued in one year and consents to last for 35 years.
- Unleash investment in transmission and local lines by eliminating
consents for upgrades to existing infrastructure and most new
Read about it here.

Other events
As always I've been busy at a huge number of events. Age Concern,
the Black Out fundraiser for Hawkes Bay and Tararua cyclone relief,
Fale Pasifika. And as always, I haven't seen candidates from any other
party at any of these events. I've been visiting businesses and
knocking on doors, and I'll keep working hard for you as I really want
your support this year for National.

We need some help
It will take a huge team of volunteers to win this year and we're
still a few people short. We need people to help with some admin
behind the scenes, join teams who help at markets and waving signs and
knocking on doors, and people to offer space for a sign on a fence or
in a shop window.
If you can lend us just one or two hours this year, please
sign up here.
Thanks for all your support, and please keep spreading the good
word about me, and what National are doing locally.
Kind regards,
