Conspiracy fact. We're in hell. Can you imagine what is going on at Facebook, Google, Youtube, LinkedIn et al?
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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Twitter’s Open Source Code Reveals US Government Can ‘Intervene’ with Recommendation Algorithm
Conspiracy fact. We're in hell. Can you imagine what is going on at Facebook, Google, Youtube, LinkedIn et al?

Twitter's open source code reveals US government can 'intervene' with recommendation algorithm

By: Post Millenial, April 1, 2023: ...

If a NY Jury Convicted Trump Supporter for a Meme, What Chance Does President Trump Have?
No shot at all. The fix is n.

Biden’s America: Trump Supporter Convicted, Faces TEN Years In Prison For A Meme

Will New York Jury Give Trump a Fair Shake?

Will New York Jury Give Trump a Fair Shake?

The former president, like all ...

Minn. Elementary School Hosts ‘Gender Resource Fair’ Featuring A ‘Drag Story Hour’ For Kids
Not even half the students at this school are proficient in reading or math….but sexualizing illiterates is the priority.

Elementary School Hosts ‘Gender Resource Fair’ Featuring A ‘Drag Story Hour’ For Kids

By: Reagan Reese, ...

White House To Host Roundtable Promoting Transgender Mutilation Surgeries and Dangerous Trans Drugs
In the wake of the slaughter of children by a trans terrorist……

Keep your children close and get them out of government schools.

With all that's going on in the world, this is what the Democrats are obsessed with, sexualizing your ...

Death Toll During The Holy Month Of Ramadan 2023
Some people point out that there are terrorist attacks every day, all year round. This is true, but they miss the point: the month of Ramadan is not an ordinary month, but a holy month. Ramadan is a special month. Ramadan is a time when Muslims are ...

George Soros pushes $1 million to Wisconsin Democrats ahead of pivotal state Supreme Court election
Why Are Conservatives Talking About 2024 Instead Of The Wisconsin Supreme Court Election Next Week?

Though largely ignored by prominent conservatives on social media, there’s a critically important Supreme Court race happening in Wisconsin. ...

Biden’s America: Trump Supporter Convicted, Faces TEN Years In Prison For A Meme
The Biden regime has once again shown what it has in store for those who still dare to dissent in our brand-new banana republic: on Friday, a 33-year-old Trump supporter named Douglass Mackey was convicted of election interference and faces up to ...

Only One-Fifth of Palestinians Oppose the Jihad Terror Murders of Israelis
The latest opinion poll makes clear that the Palestinians are the real obstacle to peace. More on this opinion poll, and what its results signify, can be found here.

The poll also reveals that 68 percent of Palestinians favor the formation of ...

CBS News Bans Word ‘Transgender’ in Reports on Nashville Trans-Terrorist School Shooter
Just to be clear, this is not new. The media is well practiced in scrubbing motive from heinous crimes by members of a privileged class. This is standard operating procedure in jihad and Islamic attacks. Any mention of Islam, even as the attacker ...

FIVE TIMES A DAY: Muslim Activist Gets Official Permits To Broadcast Muslim Call to Prayer On Outdoor Loud Speakers in New York Neighborhood
Muslim activist Rana Abdelhamid applied for and got three sound permits to broadcast the Muslim call to prayer for the Astoria mosques, a multi cultural New York neighborhood.

The cacophony kicks off at dawn.

Muslims make up just 3.7% of ...

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