Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog reports on challenges SNAP users often face when grocery shopping. And we unveil CHN's latest COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship, a by-the-numbers look at how the pandemic harms the most vulnerable people and communities. Please share!
This week on the blog...
Don't forget: SNAP users are people, too
March 31
I began working at Fresh Market the fall of my senior year, in the heart of the pandemic. Every day, I would go to work, scanning and bagging the groceries of whoever came into my line. Occasionally, the flow of checkout would ebb. Sometimes, I was to blame—I pushed the wrong button, double scanned an item, or couldn’t quite figure out exactly what kind of apples my customer wanted to purchase. Other times, it was something out of my control: the customer input the wrong pin, or they left their wallet in the car. One thing that always stopped the flow was the use of EBT cards. READ MORE »
CHN's latest COVID-19 Watch: Tracking Hardship
March 31
The Medicaid unwinding edition. Early in the pandemic, Congress gave states more Medicaid money to address COVID-19. In return, states were not allowed to drop people from their Medicaid rolls. That ends tomorrow. Beginning April 1, five states – Arizona, Arkansas, Idaho, New Hampshire, and South Dakota – will start ending Medicaid coverage for those who have not demonstrated their continued eligibility. Almost every other state will follow in May, June, or July. And by roughly one year from now, millions will have lost access to health care. READ MORE »
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