Councilmember Elissa Silverman

Dear Friend,

January is coming to a close, performance oversight 2020_Silverman_Open_House_Invitation.pnghearings are scheduled, and we're on the heels of budget season. The time is now for me and my?staff to hear from you about ways to better invest your taxpayer dollars!

I hope you will join me at an open house for my personal office and the Committee on Labor and Workforce Development this Friday, January 31, from 9:30-11:00 a.m. in Suite 115 of the John A. Wilson Building (1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW)!

This is chance for me and my staff to reconnect with you, hear your?upcoming budget priorities, discuss performance oversight concerns, and talk about new opportunities for me to be better partner with you throughout this year.?Even better, I'll provide some tasty donut bites from Ted's Bulletin and locally roasted coffee from Compass Coffee!

There is no formal program, so feel free stop by at any time. RSVPs using this link are encouraged but not required.

I'm excited about the numerous opportunities that 2020 holds to make our city a more equitable, inclusive place. But I know that my team and I can achieve the greatest good for District residents by working with you.

I hope to see some of you on Friday and look forward to sharing more opportunities to connect throughout the year!


Councilmember Elissa Silverman

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Councilmember Elissa Silverman ? 1350 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 408, Washington, DC 20004, United States

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