Filter Legislation to Protect Kids Gains Ground, Despite Big Tech Misinformation

By: Lily Moric

Last week, a friend asked me for advice on how she could keep pornography off digital devices used by her children. I was happy to help, which meant spending over an hour emailing step-by-step instructions, attaching numerous screenshots with scribbles directing “Click here –>” and “BAD –>”, “GOOD –>”, etc etc . . . all to show her how to locate parental controls and safety settings that might keep her little ones safe online.  

At the end of it all, my friend’s husband made a very astute observation: “You know what, I think it’s kind of crazy that these protections aren’t on by default. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t an adult have to seek out pornography if they want it, rather than letting the status quo be that any kid can accidentally stumble on it?”  

“YES!!” was my immediate, unreserved reply. And I proceeded to explain this is exactly what NCOSE is fighting for through current public policy efforts.  

Read more about the progress on device filter bills NCOSE is working to pass in various U.S. states!

📣 Take Action!

It's also crucial that we pass Federal legislation, so that children in all states are protected. Please take 30 seconds to fill out this quick action form, asking Congress to pass legislation that will protect children from exposure to pornography, along with other online harms.

Victory! VA Legislation Stops Criminalizing Child Sex Trafficking Victims!

This week, the Virginia Governor signed SB1292, a bill NCOSE has been working to support since last year. Virginia was one of the few states without safe harbor protection, meaning they still criminalized sex-trafficked youth. But SB1292 changed this, finally recognizing minors who are sex trafficked as victims rather than criminals! The bill also enacted a two-year pilot project to develop services for sex trafficked youth while sharpening law enforcement’s tactical focus on sex buyers who fuel trafficking markets.

📣 Take Action!

You can help us continue to pass legislation that holds sex buyers accountable, while providing exit services for survivors. If you are a U.S. citizen, please take 30 seconds to contact your local elected officials here


Racism Hides in the Depths of Sex Trafficking

Sex traffickers often see people of color as commodities and easy targets to control, or abduct, within a society where they are seen as less important and powerless...Traffickers should not be able to feel as though one victim is "easier" than another based on race. All traffickers should know that they will be held accountable, regardless of any racial ideology. Read more here.

The Healing Process for Survivors of Sex Trafficking

“Healing is a process, not a destination.”  

This is what Teresa J. Helm, the Survivors Services Coordinator at NCOSE, said during our interview.

The healing journey for survivors of sexual exploitation is ongoing and full of ups and downs. It takes strength to continually choose to take actions to pursue healing, and to let it be a work-in-progress. Read more here.


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