Today is our most important fundraising deadline since the 2022 election.

Can I be direct with you, John?

Today is our most important fundraising deadline since the 2022 election.

GOP campaign operatives couldn’t read much into last December’s Q4 FEC filing. There was just too much noise from midterm election fundraising to predict anything about 2024.

But this report — this is the one everyone will be plugged into. Super PACs. Pundits. Pollsters. Campaigns. It’s the best information anyone is going to get on the strength of Democratic and Republican campaigns as we build the foundation to win in 2024.

That’s just me being honest. With Senate Republicans hoping to flip two seats to retake the majority, we can’t let them see any vulnerabilities in our report.

So can you please chip in, John, ahead of our FEC deadline at 11:59 p.m. ET tonight?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

After this deadline, my team will compile every dollar we’ve raised in the first three months of the year and submit it in a public report to the Federal Election Commission.

As you can tell, this report is incredibly important to our campaign. Thanks for doing what you can to support us in this homestretch.

With love and gratitude,
