Dear John,
This has been an exciting and productive month here in Congress as I continue to represent you.
We were recently struck by another horrible tragedy with the school shooting in Nashville that took six innocent lives. This cannot keep happening. One life lost to gun violence is one too many, yet we have sacrificed our children to protect these weapons. Congress must pass common-sense gun reform and I won’t stop fighting to put kids over guns. Watch my floor speech here:
Each week that I am in Washington, I am supporting legislation on issues important to both me and our community.
In March, I was a lead cosponsor of the PSA Screening for Him Act which would require private health insurance companies to cover preventive screening for prostate cancer. I’m committed to making sure this disease is not a death sentence.
As the Ranking Member of the Emergency, Management, and Technology Subcommittee, I have facilitated important conversations that directly impact our district, including a roundtable discussing the future of FEMA and how we can ensure that recovery response is equitable for disadvantaged communities.
During last year’s community project funding process, I secured $3.8 million for the Community Lighthouses Project in LA-02. We have officially unveiled the first two “Lighthouses” which will serve as safe places with solar-powered electricity, water, and so much more following natural disasters. I am excited to see this project progress to further serve our community.
We are one step closer to building a high-speed passenger railway between New Orleans and Baton Rouge! This will be crucial to resolving our state’s infrastructure issues and has been a top priority of mine since I was elected. Watch my video of the announcement below. Let’s keep it rolling!
Rose Mary Loving School
Rose Mary Loving was a role model for Louisianans as the first Black woman elected to the Orleans Parish School Board and appointed to the Louisiana School Boards Association's board of directors. Her commitment to service was an inspiration as she worked to support some of the most vulnerable people in our community including the elderly and low-income. Now, as an amazing honor to her, Rose Mary Loving Charter School has officially been renamed in her honor.
Congressional App Challenge Winner
I had the opportunity to meet with our Congressional App Challenge winner Srija Tamidela at Patrick F. Taylor High School. The app she designed, Weslgn, gives users the opportunity to explore their cultural identity through art. It was a pleasure to meet her in person and she will be representing our district in Washington D.C. at the annual House of Code.
Subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on social media to receive updates on the upcoming Congressional Art Competition!
Being the voice for the people of Louisiana's Second Congressional District is a privilege and I am honored to serve you. For the latest updates on my work, follow my social media accounts at the links below!

Troy A. Carter, Sr. Member of Congress