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Friends and Neighbors,


Recently, the Minnesota House of Representatives approved a bill that would make Minnesota a sanctuary state for gender transitions. You may have also heard this bill referred to as the trans-refuge bill. No matter what name you refer to it by, the outcome is dangerous for Minnesota children.


In passing the bill, Democrats claimed to be protecting medical care options. But it became clear during the course of the debate that they do not understand the significance nor the consequences of their bill.


My friend Representative Mary Franson did a great job of questioning the bill’s author about some of the drugs and procedures used in gender care. To each question, the bill author admitted to not knowing the answer.


Please watch this video for more:



I encourage everyone to get involved as often as you can. Please contact Senate Democrats and Gov. Walz and let them know what you think about this important issue.


Farm and Agriculture Update


Recently I was on the Linder Farm Network to provide an update on some of the issues we are discussing at the Legislature. The update was high-level and all-encompassing, but we did focus on bills that will impact farmers and our agriculture communities.


Please listen to the interview HERE. It’s only about 15 minutes long. 



Contact me 


I love hearing your feedback. If you have any questions or comments about the issues we are working on, please contact me anytime. My email is [email protected],

or you can call me at 651-296-4131.


Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook: https://www.fb.com/SenatorGlennGruenhagen.


It is a privilege to serve you. God Bless.


Glenn Gruenhagen 


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2417
St. Paul, MN 55155
