Flurry of carbon pricing bills introduced before recess
It was raining carbon tax bills on Capitol Hill last week. Four bills were introduced, three in the House and one in the Senate. On the House side, Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL) and Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) both introduced and cosponsored each other’s bills that would tax carbon and return a large portion of the revenue to households through cuts in payroll taxes. Both are also cosponsors of the Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. On the other side of the Hill, Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) introduced the Carbon Action Rebate Act, along with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA). A House version was introduced by Rep. Jimmy Panetta (D-CA). CCL VP for Government Affairs Danny Richter briefed our supporters on the various bills and CCL’s messaging about them during a call Tuesday night. Spoiler alert: This is a good thing.
Other news this week: Media on carbon pricing bills: The sudden surge of carbon pricing bills last week attracted coverage in several media outlets, among them Bloomberg, E&E News, the Washington Examiner and Roll Call. We particularly liked the headline in The Hill: Carbon tax shows new signs of life in Congress. Tip of hat from Republican Meadows: Freedom Caucus chairman Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) had some nice things to say about CCL on the Hill last week. Jerry Taylor from Niskanen Center took notice and gave CCL a great shoutout in this tweet. Congressional tweet for CCLer: Do members of Congress pay attention to our op-eds? You bet! Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA), cosponsor of H.R. 763, tweeted about an op-ed in the York Dispatch from CCL’s Jon Clark. CCLer testifies on Hill: CCL volunteer Nick Huey joined GOP pollster Frank Luntz and Students for Carbon Dividends VP Kiera O’Brien at a hearing before the Senate Democrats' Special Committee on the Climate Crisis. Hear what he had to say in this Twitter post. |