Donald Trump Again Hits Fox News -- and Chris Wallace -- This Time Over Impeachment Coverage
By David Jackson
January 29, 2020
WASHINGTON — The estrangement between President Donald Trump and Fox News just grows and grows.
Trump added impeachment coverage to his list of grievances against his former favorite news network Tuesday, saying at one point in a pair of tweets that Fox is "trying to be so politically correct" by interviewing Democrats such as Sen. Chris Van Hollen of Maryland.
"So, what the hell has happened to @FoxNews," Trump said. "Only I know!"
He blasted current anchor Chris Wallace — whom he has attacked before — and former anchor Shep Smith, who left Fox last year amid catcalls by the president.
Hosts Judah Friedman and Larry Klayman explore current political issues, as well as Klayman's breadth of legal work, and how the two parallel each other in today's divided political spectrum.
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