Congress has a 21% approval rating. Yet on Election Day 97% of U.S. Representatives and U.S. Senators were reelected. They are laughing at "We the People". They know they don't even have to try to do their jobs and they will get reelected. No matter which political party you support - if any - the careerists on Capitol Hill believe your vote doesn't really count. The rules don’t apply to these politicians. They can do whatever they want . . . to whomever they want. Please sign the petition demanding a Senate vote on term limits. And then please share this email with everyone you know who is sick of what is happening with our government. The career politicians actually passed one of the largest spending bills in American history a few months ago without ever having read it and with virtually no debate. Members of Congress worked just a few days a week last year, didn't bother to pass a real budget, and then jammed everything they didn't do in the previous year into one massive mess of a bill and voted it through sight unseen just days before Christmas. Our only hope to end this insanity is term limits. That’s why Senator Cruz and fifteen senate cosponsors have introduced USTL's resolution, SJR 2. And it must be voted on now! Republicans, Democrats and Independents all want term limits. Over 80% of Americans know Congress is broken, and unlimited terms in office are destroying our country. Just look at what is happening today. These professional politicians care so little about their jobs, they don't even read the bills they vote on! Until very recently House members have been allowed to cast votes via the internet while they are off on vacation! And then there is this taxpayer funded slush fund to pay off employees who were harassed by members of Congress and their staff. It’s all disgusting. And yet, these professional politicians love to lecture ordinary people like you and me. We need term limits. Please sign the petition to Senate Leader Chuck Schumer. And ask everyone you know to do so, too. Forward this email around. Share it on social media. We need as many Americans as possible to help us pressure Senator Schumer to allow a vote! I'm counting on you. Philip Blumel President U.S. Term Limits |