
It looks like we still have some ground to make up to reach our July fundraising goal.

Can you pitch in before midnight tonight to help reach this important goal?

Donate now

Any contribution you can make today will help Jon continue leading on the important fights in the Senate that affect all of us, including:

  • Passing legislation to reform our democracy, end gerrymandering, and get dark money out of our politics for good.

  • Defending the Affordable Care Act and protecting coverage for the millions of folks with pre-existing conditions across this country.

  • Fighting to stop the Trump administration from selling off our public lands to the highest bidder.

Jon spends every day working to do right by folks back home in Montana and in communities across our country.

He’s been a dirt farmer his whole life after all.

But the dark money PACs and big donors who call the shots in Trump and McConnell’s Washington will spend anything to stop anybody with a fighting chance at real reform.

That’s why our fundraising is so important. And why Jon counts on you.

Pitch in here if you can to help reach our fundraising goal >>

Donate now

Thanks for all you do.

— Team Tester