***Reminder about your 2023 Democratic Membership Status*** |
It's crucial that we have your support right away. Here's why: ➡️ Donald Trump was just indicted, and the entire MAGA-sphere is jumping to his defense. ➡️ A new A-rated poll just shows Ron DeSantis leading Joe Biden by 4 points.
➡️ A new NBC poll shows Republicans favored to win Congress by ONE point. And now, we're facing the first FEC fundraisingdeadline at midnight, and we're still $12,530 short of our goal. If we miss it, it'll show the world that Democrats aren't keeping up and don't have the grassroots support to win.
We're calling for a ground-shaking response from Democrats TODAY to help us defeat the GOP. Will you activate your 2023 Membership by chipping in $10 so we can immediately go on offense against Republicans? |
If you've saved your payment info with ActBlue Express, you donation will process immediately: |