Dear Partners, 

CMS is set to release guidance on Thursday encouraging states to block grant their Medicaid program. This guidance will give states the green light to fundamentally change the nature of their Medicaid programs in exchange for trivial flexibility, putting the health and welfare of millions in jeopardy.

We invite you to join us at 2:30 pm EST on Thursday, January 30th for a webinar entitled “Medicaid Block Grants: Hurting Families and Hurting States” to hear reactions and policy implications on the new guidance.


Register for the Webinar Here

Featured Speakers Include:
  • Frederick Isasi, Executive Director, Families USA
  • Michele Johnson, Executive Director, Tennessee Justice Center
  • Eliot Fishman, Senior Director of Health Policy, Families USA
We hope you can join us this Thursday at 2:30 pm EST for this informative discussion!

To your health,
Raven Gomez, Partnerships Coordinator 
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