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Hello there!

Are you looking for a way to make a difference for Earth Day next month? Check out some fun and easy campaign actions you can do in your community to celebrate Youth Earth Week with us, April 22nd - 29th!

Fill out this form to get free swag, training from an expert organizer and helpful resources!

Registered events will be featured on and!

Save the Bees
Bee populations are dying off at an alarming rate and without these important pollinators we wouldn’t have many of the foods we enjoy today. In short, no bees means no food. So we are encouraging our campuses and local communities to make commitments to become Bee Friendly.

Action: Hold a local action to educate and ask students to take a “Save the Bees” photo petition that you can send to local decision makers. Get signs, flyers, bee stickers and a bee costume to draw attention and build a buzz!

Recovering America’s Wildlife
Many leading experts are warning that the sixth mass extinction is currently underway. Protecting our planet’s biodiversity requires urgent action. The Recovering America’s Wildlife Act would provide funding to proactively conserve more than 12,000 at-risk wildlife species.

Action: Visit your local zoo or aquarium to learn more and highlight the at-risk wildlife species in your state. Bring friends, classmates and family to educate them about how to make a difference. Get a social media toolkit, stickers, flyers, and other materials to help educate your community.

100% Renewable Energy
To combat climate change, we need to transition to a clean renewable energy future. Encouraging super stores, like Home Depot and Wal-Mart, to use their solar energy potential by adding solar panels to their rooftops will make a huge difference.

Action: Research how much solar energy potential superstores in your community have and write a letter to the editor to your local school or city newspaper to draw attention to the issue. Get a media toolkit and a training on our ‘Solar on Superstores’ report to call on these businesses to go solar.

We will be holding trainings and office hours to help you organize your events in the coming weeks, but the first step is to sign up for any or all of these campaign actions here!

Looking forward to celebrating Youth Earth Week with you!


Recruitment Director
Students PIRGs

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