John –

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to our campaign. I hope you’ll give me a chance to explain why this request — especially today — is so important.

Here is the truth: today we close the books on our first, full FEC fundraising deadline of the campaign.

Shortly after, we’re legally required to report publicly how much money we’ve raised and how many contributions our campaign has received.

And right now, we’re a bit short of where we need to be to hit our goals. That’s important, because reports indicate Senator Sinema is ramping up her fundraising.

Now, we raise our money differently than Senator Sinema. I don’t go around begging hedge fund managers for money.

Instead, almost all of our donations come from people chipping in what they can afford, mostly in response to emails like this one. I’m very proud of that fact.

But it also means from time to time, we have to ask and with our deadline just a few hours away, today is one of those days.

Can you please split a $20 contribution between Serve America and our campaign ahead of our critical FEC fundraising deadline? Help us close the gap so we don’t come up short.


The strength of our campaign is the people who power our movement. Everyone is going to be looking to see what numbers we report, so your contribution means a lot to our efforts.

Thank you in advance for chipping in today.
