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Friday, March 31st, 2023


America, Arm Your Schools Now!

Chuck Baldwin

How Governments Use Global Crises to Take More

Doug Casey

Wrong Politics: A Dating Dealbreaker for Women and Democrats

AI Wokeness

Why the Dollar-based International System Is Breaking Up

Paul Craig Roberts

Coronavirus: Toxic Drugs, no Liability for Pharma

Jon Rappoport

Building the Wall

Restoring Truth

How the Empire of Lies Operates

Stephen Lendman

Are We Being Set Up for Mass Depopulation?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

‘Facing Clear Evidence of Peril’ in a Country of Lies

Edward Curtin

The Fed Refuses Any Blame Including Its No Stress, Stress Test

Michael Shedlock

Fine Wine

Bionic Mosquito

Warning: The Ban TikTok Bill Is Not What You Think It Is

Daisy Luther

Political Theatre

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