It's the end of the world as we know it. It's the end of everything. It's a dark day. You won't like comes after America. It doesn't matter what side of the political aisle you  stroll, this is a man who was hounded, persecuted, smeared, defamed, ...
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

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It's the end of the world as we know it. It's the end of everything.

It's a dark day.

You won't like comes after America.

It doesn't matter what side of the political aisle you  stroll, this is a man who was hounded, persecuted, ...

‘Unacceptable Incompetence’: CDC Made Dozens of Basic Data Errors on COVID, Say Epidemiologists Find, Incompetent or Complicity?
It was worse than a mistake. They knew. And yet there is no punishment or recourse. Untold numbers died for a political agenda.

'Unacceptable incompetence': CDC made dozens of basic data errors on COVID, epidemiologists find

FDA evidence ...

Grand Jury Looking into Trump Takes Month-Long Recess
The torture never ends. This will not end well.

The American we know and love does not exist.

Grand Jury Looking into Trump Takes Month-Long Recess Politico: The Manhattan grand jury examining Donald Trump’s alleged role in a hush money ...

D.C. Attorney Refused to Prosecute 70 Percent of Arrested Suspects in 2022
So when you send off another fat, obscene check to the government – ask yourself, what am I paying for? Why am I paying for my own demise? Washington Examiner: The U.S. attorney in Washington, D.C., declined to prosecute nearly 70% of people ...

California Legislation Allows Children As Young As 12 to Check Themselves into Government Homes Without Parental Consent
Stealing our children. It's so easy, especially in this current dissolute environment,  for tweens and teens to go off the rails. If there is ever a time a child needs their family and the guidance of their parents and loved ones it's at this ...

Death Toll During The Holy Month Of Ramadan 2023
Some people point out that there are terrorist attacks every day, all year round. This is true, but they miss the point: the month of Ramadan is not an ordinary month, but a holy month. Ramadan is a special month. Ramadan is a time when Muslims are ...

Saudi Arabia grows closer to Beijing with step toward membership in China-led security bloc
Another foreign policy disaster for America under the Biden Administration. The Biden Administration appeases Iran and sabotages the Abraham Accords. This is the result. China is routing the Biden Administration on global affairs. Now they are ...

ANOTHER COUNTRY DUMPS DOLLAR: Brazil, China Strike Deal TO Ditch US Dollar
No media coverage. The biggest stories of the day are censored from the American public, leading sheep to slaughter. The dollar as the main world currency is a pillar of our strength and power. More countries are mulling a similar move.

Look ...

John Kerry rushes to defense of climate activist leaders who use private jets
John Kerry flies around the world in private jets, which emit up to 30 times more carbon per passenger than commercial flights. All while he forces everyday American's to overhaul their lives in the name of climate change. It is John Kerry's ...

Biden Cabinet Member Admits the Green Agenda Makes Us Reliant on China
Why is the Biden regime making us a client state of China?

Free Beacon: President Joe Biden’s interior secretary acknowledged that a transition to electric vehicles increases America’s reliance on China, an admission that comes as the ...

Xi Jinping Checks In with Saudi Prince MBS After Massive Oil Deals
China is attempting to replace the United States in the Middle East, while the Biden Administration takes little action to respond. If China is successful, it would represent a massive blow to the U.S. Congress needs to act.

From this morning's ...

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