The candidates claim they care about climate change...

Dear John,

Like many of you, I was glued to my tv last night watching the presidential debate and I'll be right back there tonight hoping for even more time spent on the climate crisis. These Democratic hopefuls can claim climate change is an important issue to them, but we know that real climate action still only happens because of public pressure from people like you.

Just this Monday, we called on the Democratic candidates to sign a Day One pledge to make the climate crisis a priority on their first day in office1. Tonight, 350 Action Fellows are hosting debate watch parties in key states around the country, building massive networks of climate activists to keep that pressure growing.

Donate today to help 350 Action keep the pressure on the DNC, elected officials, and our presidential candidates.

Last week, after months of pressuring the DNC to host a climate debate, CNN finally stepped up where the DNC would not and announced Climate Forum 2020 — a town hall for leading Democratic candidates2. This could not have happened without the hard work of 350 Action supporters and our partners over the last several months.

We know this pressure is working. Candidates have been releasing bolder and stronger climate plans since we launched the 2020 Climate Test3 — and this is just the beginning. In the coming months, we’ll be registering thousands of voters and rolling out 350 Action’s early climate champion endorsements.

The thing is, we can’t do any of this without your support. Will you make a contribution to 350 Action today so we can continue demanding our government take action now for climate justice?

The scale of action required to address the climate crisis is enormous, and I have no doubt it’s going to be hard work for whoever sits in the Oval Office next. It’s our job in the lead-up to the elections and beyond to pressure politicians until they act, and build the political will for bold climate action.

I know that with your help, we can win. Will you give today?

Here’s hoping for more than one question on climate in the debates tonight!

See y’all on twitter,

350 Action Campaign Manager

1 - 350 Action’s Day One Pledge
2 - Networks invite Democratic presidential candidates to climate change town halls, Valerie Volcovici, Reuters, July 26, 2019.
3 - 350 Action’s 2020 Climate Test

This message has been authorized and paid for by 350 Action, 20 Jay St, Suite 732, Brooklyn, NY 11201, May Boeve, Executive Director. This message has not been expressly authorized, requested, or approved by any federal, state, or local candidate, candidate’s committee or their agents, or by any ballot issue committee.

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