John, we wanted to make sure you saw Chellie's email from earlier today about investing in her campaign and her vision of a progressive future here in Maine and across the country.

We can't thank everyone enough for the support you've all shown over the last few days. We're getting so close to reaching our grassroots fundraising goal before we close the books tomorrow at midnight — but we're still running behind.

Will you chip in whatever you can right now to support Chellie's re-election campaign and our important work to take back control of Congress?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chellie Pingree
Date: Thu, Mar 30, 2023 at 12:17 PM
Subject: Your investment in our campaign


I know a lot of people ask you for donations (they ask me too!), but I wanted to take a minute to explain why your donation to our campaign is so critically important before our FEC deadline tomorrow night.

When you invest in our campaign to continue fighting for progress, your support today will:
  • Ensure you have a progressive champion in Congress. I began my career in public service to fight for the middle class, working families and the most vulnerable among us, and that will never change. My voice in Congress is yours, and I will always stand up for what is just and right in the face of powerful opposition.
  • Support our fight to take back the House. Your support will ensure our campaign has the resources to build a robust, data-driven, grassroots campaign across our district, ensuring our reelection — and getting us one step closer to gaining back our critical majority in Congress.
  • Combat the climate crisis. Climate change is the existential crisis facing us today, and protecting our planet from climate disaster is my top priority. As a coastal organic farmer, I know all too well the havoc climate change is wreaking on our food supply, our environment, and our coastal communities.
  • Protect our reproductive freedom. Since Roe was overturned, millions of women now live in fear. This is not the America I want for my grandchildren. I will not rest until abortion rights are codified into law.

Make no mistake, elections matter — and given the current political environment, we simply can't take any chances.

That's why I'm asking for your generous support right now before our FEC fundraising deadline tomorrow. If you are able, please make a contribution today to ensure we can make progress together and reach our $10,000 grassroots fundraising goal.

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Thank you so much for your generosity and support. It truly means the world to me.


Contribute >>


Chellie Pingree is a progressive Democrat representing Maine's First Congressional District in Congress. She is an outspoken advocate for women's reproductive rights, universal health care, reforming our food system against corporate greed, fighting for equality and against injustice, addressing the climate crisis, ending Citizens United, and protecting seniors, veterans, and America's working families.

If you'd like to make an online contribution to Chellie's campaign, please click here. If you'd like to donate by mail, please send your contribution to:

Pingree for Congress
PO Box 17613
Portland, ME 04112

Our campaign has always been built on progressive grassroots supporters from across the country, and email is an important way to stay in touch. If we're going to reform our political system, we need to ensure progressives like Chellie remain in Congress to stand up for us. If you'd like to unsubscribe, click here: unsubscribe.

Paid for by Pingree for Congress