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VegWeek 2023 is just around the corner

VegWeek 2023 is less than three weeks away. Have you taken the VegPledge? Have you asked your friends and family to sign up? Animal Outlook’s annual VegWeek is an opportunity to try vegan living for a week, to join thousands of others exploring vegan eating and a cruelty-free lifestyle–and, of course, to win prizes. We’ll be sharing tips and recipes and encouragement April 16-22, so don’t wait to register.

The only way to ensure we refuse to participate in the inherently cruel system of animal agriculture is to leave animals off our plates. So take this opportunity to rally your friends and family around opting out of cruelty during this year’s VegWeek. You never know - it may be the start of their lifelong vegan journey.

Many thanks to Dr. Bronner’s for their Gold sponsorship of VegWeek 2023.

Did you catch the latest
Pop Culture and Animals video?

Check out the latest installment of Animal Outlook Director of Investigations Scott David’s Pop Culture and Animals video series, where he discusses the superhero Animal Man’s vegan switch. D.C. Comics superhero Animal Man can mimic the capacities of various animals–having the strength of a bear, the ability to fly, or the speed of an ant (which is apparently pretty fast – relatively). As Scott recounts, despite kinda sorta sometimes being part non-human animal himself, Animal Man wasn’t even vegetarian when he burst onto the scene in 1965. But he gave up meat–and threw out all the meat from his fridge–after witnessing cruel experiments in a lab. As many of us know, once you start on the path of vegetarianism, it’s hard not to end up at veganism, given that there is at least as much cruelty involved in producing milk and eggs as there is in producing meat. So, ultimately, Animal Man went vegan. He even became an activist, interfering with animal experiments and disrupting animal hunts. As Scott says, Animal Man’s vegan activism means he makes a difference in ways other than just punching bad guys. Check out the full story in Scott’s latest installment of Pop Culture and Animals.

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Want more of the inside scoop on Animal Outlook’s efforts? Sign up to be a monthly donor and receive special updates on our work. Whether it’s legal advocacy or undercover investigations, vegan campaigns or farm transitions, there’s always more to know about Animal Outlook’s efforts for animals.
  • $25/month supports creative and effective outreach opportunities to empower others to choose compassion 
  • $35/month helps encourage international corporations to make changes to reduce suffering by providing plant-based options 
  • $45/month ensures our proactive legal team is able to strategically challenge the status quo of animal agriculture
  • $50/month supports brave investigators who are shining a bright light on the hidden horrors forced upon billions of farmed animals
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