You’ve seen the headlines, and the real story is even worse. Democrats in
Olympia are on a spending binge, rewarding their special interest group supporters with your taxpayer dollars.
The Democrat-controlled State Senate just passed their own $70 billion spending bill –a budget that mean
state spending has doubled in just the last 10 years. And the biggest beneficiaries of their record-breaking spending spree are the state
employee and public sector unions which will receive hefty pay raises – and then the unions will put big money back into Democrat campaign
accounts. Meanwhile, taxpayers like you and your neighbors are
left with the bill despite economic uncertainty and sky-high inflation already delivering a blow to your pocketbooks.
The majority of states across the nation – including such far-Left outposts as New York and
California - have passed bills refunding taxpayers some of what they have overpaid to their state following the COVID-19 pandemic, using all the
federal money sent to states to help out their citizens. But not in Washington State, under Jay Inslee and Democrat majorities in the legislature.
All we are getting are new taxes. Over the last couple
of years, the liberals have burdened us with more taxes and refused to lift any existing burdens in the form of even modest tax breaks. Here are just
a few ways they could have helped us this legislative session, all of which have been proposed:
- Reduce the regressive sales tax
- Ease the burdensome property tax
- Repeal the unconstitutional state income tax on capital gains
- Suspend the excessive state gas tax (third highest in the nation)
- Repeal the oppressive cap-and-tax
- Abolish the unjust death tax
- Adjust the destructive
business and occupation tax
– of course – Democrats won’t do any of those common-sense things in the face of massive budget surpluses. They have to reward their
special-interest campaign donors after all. Unfortunately, what remains
of mainstream media outlets refuse to hold Democrats accountable for their record-breaking spending spree. In fact, they are just cheering Democrats
on. That’s why our work here at Shift WA is so important.
Will you
consider helping us continue our efforts with an end-of-month contribution of $100, $50, or even $25 today?
We are behind on our goal – and your contribution will go a long way to helping us continue keeping an eye on
Olympia as this current session is winding down and reporting back to you.
Thank you, The Shift WA team