John, earlier this month I visited Türkiye, where I met with children and families impacted by last month’s devastating earthquakes. The situation remains dire, with millions of people still displaced and in need of humanitarian assistance in both Türkiye and Syria. This disaster is just the latest in a long line of hardships children are already facing in the region.
As Syria entered its 12th year of conflict this month, we set a goal to raise $300,000 to continue supporting children around the world who are facing horrors no child should ever have to confront.
Your support will make a life-changing difference for children like 8-year-old Mamdouh,* whose family has lost track of how many times they’ve been displaced during his short life. This time, instead of violence, it was a devastating earthquake that forced them to flee their home.
For children like Mamdouh, surviving is just the beginning. The long-term impacts of conflict, disaster and displacement are immense, from psychological trauma to disrupted education to stunted growth due to malnutrition. But children are resilient. With your help, Mamdouh and millions more across the globe can overcome unimaginable hardships and live happy, healthy and successful lives.