John –

Julie’s win last fall was the closest race of any statewide DFLer.

We won because of your help and commitment.

We’re hoping you’re still willing to help and still committed.

You see, after a win that close, the GOP is already looking for who they’ll run next. They think the Auditor’s office is their ticket to their first statewide win in decades.

We need to show them that we’ve got Julie’s back again. And now’s the moment: our first quarter ends on Friday at midnight.

Will you chip in today to make sure Julie has the resources she needs to keep the Auditor’s office out of GOP hands?

The work she does is critically important to our local communities. And in the wrong hands, it could be weaponized to attack candidates up and down the ballot.

Julie’s fighting for Minnesotans, protecting billions of taxpayer dollars every day. But Republicans want to change that. They see this as the starting point for turning Minnesota Red again.

Let’s make sure they know we're ready to fight back and win. Chip in today!

Thank you!

Chris Kluthe
Blaha for Auditor




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States