In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
An appeal has been brought against a plan to open what is thought to be the first new Catholic state school in England for more than a decade as critics
argue that its supporters are not local.
The final version of the new curriculum for Wales has been published. Religion, values and ethics and relationships and sex education are among the mandatory
An investigation has been re-opened into the conduct of a judge who oversaw the employment tribunal of a Christian nurse dismissed following complaints that
she pushed her faith on patients.
A number of Church of England bishops have broken ranks to distance themselves from guidance issued last week which said only married heterosexual people may
have sex and those in civil partnerships should be celibate.
A petition has been launched against a visit by evangelical preacher Franklin Graham to the UK. The NSS is quoted regarding the Church of England's position
on sex, which Graham recently praised.
A Jewish child abuse victim has warned that some strictly orthodox communities are so isolated, it feels like "being a refugee in your own country", as she
launched the UK's first think tank to tackle extremism in Judaism.
Asia Bibi, the Christian woman who spent eight years on death row in Pakistan for blasphemy, has released two photographs taken in exile, as she prepares for
the launch of her autobiography on Wednesday.
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