[[link removed]]Dear Friend,
Help stop trophy hunters from killing grizzly bear cubs. Donate $27 now and help
us reach our $3,760 goal for bears and the planet!
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through immediately:
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[[link removed]]After a long hibernation, a weak mama bear and her tiny cubs emerge from their
den into the warm air. White flowers scatter the forest floor as the cubs
glimpse their first spring. But in the blink of an eye, those flowers could be splattered red with their blood as they’re gunned down by the hunters they didn’t notice lurking in the trees. These baby bear cubs’ lives have barely started: protect their futures and the
planet by donating $27 immediately to help us reach our $3,760 goal before
midnight tonight!
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America’s bears are under attack, Friend. Trophy hunters
are gunning them down. Big Oil wants to open their habitats to logging and
mining -- all for the sake of profit. And it’s all perfectly legal.
The Biden Administration took steps to lift federal protections for grizzlies in
the Northern Rockies, which would put grizzlies back in the crosshairs of trophy hunting after years
of steady recovery. We can’t let this happen -- but we’re facing intense
pushback from greedy trophy hunting and Big Oil lobbies, so bears need your help
now more than ever!
Don’t let trophy hunters and greedy corporations wipe out grizzly bears. Donate
$27 right now and help us reach our $3,760 goal for bears and the planet.
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go
through immediately:
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[[link removed]]In the coming months, hunters could kill a mother bear who emerges from
hibernation. She may be looking to replenish her lethargic and underfed body to
give her the strength to care for her cubs.
Bear cubs rely on their mothers until they reach 17 months old -- without them,
cubs don’t stand a chance of survival as they are left to suffer from starvation, predation, and exposure.
But states in the northern Rockies are still working to remove Endangered
Species Act protections for these bears. This would allow trophy hunters to
stalk the bears, wait until they leave the safety of their dens, and trap them
with painful metal clamps. Or they could release hunting dogs to track and terrorize bears before they are killed.
This rollback of protections for grizzlies is an ominous sign for the future of
America’s endangered wildlife and the entire web of life it supports. As
Endangered Species Act protections are eroded, we not only risk losing
irreplaceable animals -- we lose leverage to stop Big Oil from polluting
communities, driving climate chaos, and harming biodiversity across the country.
Special interests and GOP legislators want to roll back the Endangered Species
Act and the protections it provides -- because they know the law stands in their way from drilling, fracking, mining,
and clear-cutting public lands.
Protect bear families and the planet before it’s too late: Rush your $27
donation to Friends of the Earth now!
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go
through immediately:
Donate $27
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[[link removed]]Grizzly bears are one of the nation’s most cherished and beloved animals. These
charismatic creatures are highly intelligent and have been proven to show
emotions, including empathy, fear, joy, and pain. They form strong communities
with tight family bonds -- mama bears, specifically, are known for being
protective and nurturing.
At their peak, grizzlies in the continental U.S. numbered at 50,000! But by
1975, reckless human activity, like hunting, trapping, and habitat loss,
decimated their numbers -- prompting their Endangered Species Act protection.
Now, grizzly populations stand at less than 3,000 in the continental United States.
Friend, we’re running out of time to stop grizzlies from
being wiped out -- but your membership gift today could help protect them and
our planet. Private trophy-hunting interests and Big Polluters are mobilizing
resources to gut the ESA, and we need to step up our efforts before it’s too
late. Will you donate $27 or more today?
Act now to stop Big Oil and trophy hunters from wiping out bears and destroying
the planet. Donate $27 or more before midnight and help us reach our $3,760
If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go
through immediately:
Donate $27
[[link removed]] Donate $50
[[link removed]] Donate $100
[[link removed]] Donate another amount
[[link removed]]Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio
Senior program manager of fossil fuels,
Friends of the Earth
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