
The Texas legislature keeps getting worse, team.

During the last Texas legislative session, Texas republicans passed bills to eliminate abortion rights, gerrymander congressional maps, and suppress the vote. But somehow, they’ve gotten even more extreme.

Thousands of protestors are at the Capitol this week protesting the more than 140 anti-LGBTQ bills Texas Republicans have introduced this session. Rather than doing their jobs, Texas Republicans are hell-bent on playing politics with LGBTQ Texans.

On top of these vile attacks, they’ve pushed bills that would eliminate voting on college campuses and “preemption” bills that would block a lot of the work done by organizations like Ground Game Texas. We MUST fight back.

Can you chip in $25 to help support our organizers across Texas who are working to unseat extreme, far-right politicians and bring progressive change to Texas?

Chip in >>

Team, from day one, Ground Game Texas has been doing the important organizing work that will pay dividends in major elections. By pushing popular ballot initiatives, we’re helping to expand and electrify the electorate behind progressive change and against far-right extremism.

Voters in Texas don’t support attacks on the LGBTQ community like we’re seeing out of the Texas legislature. They also don’t support ending abortion rights, suppressing voters, or attacking our public education. 

If we want to hold these lawmakers accountable, we need to organize year-round, election after election. That’s what Ground Game Texas is all about.

Consider chipping in $25, or whatever you can, to support our organizers working to organize and flip Texas.

Together we can unseat extreme politicians trying to attack and divide us.

Thank you,

Julie Oliver, Executive Director
Ground Game Texas