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Thursday, March 30th, 2023
** The Friendly Face of American Terrorism ([link removed])
Thomas DiLorenzo
** US Media Complicit in Two Mass Murders: Covid Vax and Fentanyl ([link removed])
Paul Craig Roberts
** New Conservatives a Cause for Optimism: An Interview With Daniel McAdams ([link removed])
Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.
** A State of Never-Ending Crisis: The Government Is Fomenting Mass Hysteria ([link removed])
John & Nisha Whitehead
** The Geniuses Who Believe Ownership of Private Property and Wealth Are Crimes ([link removed])
Jon Rappoport
** Time to End the Veil of Secrecy Inside D.C. Kangaroo Court ([link removed])
Julie Kelly
** High Stakes as Uncle Sam’s Days of Impunity Are Finally Over ([link removed])
Finian Cunningham
** How the Virality Project Threatens Our Freedom ([link removed])
Dr. Joseph Mercola
** ‘Something Very Dramatic Has Changed’: Matt Taibbi Says Democrats Ditched Free Speech ([link removed])
Tyler Durden
** The ‘Checkpoint’ You Drive ([link removed])
Eric Peters
** Imagine if All Officials Were Interrogated by Reporters Like This ([link removed])
Caitlin Johnstone
** The Great Food Reset Has Begun ([link removed])
Thomas Fazi
** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* Ed Dowd’s Grim Accounting ([link removed])
* What’s the Real Risk Now, Is it Inflation or Deflation? ([link removed])
* Bill Gates, the world’s most dangerous centi-billionaire… ([link removed])
* Disbelief as “Green King Charles” Gives Royal Assent to New Gene Breeding Technology ([link removed])
* Thinking of Easter ([link removed])
* Police Post Video From Nashville Christian School ([link removed])
* ‘Emergency’ Fed rate cut by June, only 6 U.S. banks will be left by 2025 paving way for CBDC – Dowd ([link removed])
* Interview with James Strock and an Explainer ([link removed])
* “This Is What Armageddon Would Look Like For The US” ([link removed])
* AZ Kari Lake’s Governor Bid: First Election Fraud Court Victory ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])
** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* Attorneys Robert Barnes and David Freiheit Sidebar Interview with Author of “Cause Unknown” Edward Dowd ([link removed])
* No Jab? No Job! It’s Still Happening Today! ([link removed])
* RFK, Jr. SUES Biden And Fauci Over Covid Censorship Pressure! ([link removed])
* Barbara Honegger on NYT Conceding 1980 “October Surprise” Reagan-Bush White House Whistleblower Vindicated—Four Decades Late ([link removed])
* What Was Operation Paperclip? ([link removed])
* Senate Anti-TicTok Bill Is ‘Patriot Act For Technology’ ([link removed])
* What Are The Odds? – Exclusive New Poll Results – With Robert Barnes and Rich Baris ([link removed])
* Janet Yellen: Iran Sanctions Not Working ([link removed])
* Debunk The Funk ([link removed])
* Abortion ([link removed])
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