The bill is a classic giveaway to the fossil fuel industry and polluters: Faster permits for pipelines, more subsidies for fossil fuels, rollbacks of bedrock environmental laws, unraveling pieces of the Inflation Reduction Act, and knee-capping any plans for clean energy and a just transition. And, as usual for climate denying Republicans, the Congressional Budget Office estimates that enacting H.R. 1 would increase the deficit by more than $2 billion.
Check out the blog for a link to more fact sheets and tweet quotes explaining the bill.
H.R. 1 is a shameless giveaway to polluters, consisting almost entirely of handouts and loopholes for Fossil Fuels. The bill does not address or even reference clean energy, even though it is the cheapest form of energy.
Click here or call 833-971-2490 to get connected to your member of Congress and tell them to vote NO on H.R. 1, the Republican polluters over people act, today!
Thanks for taking action,
Drew and the 198 calls to stop polluters over people.