Dear Friends,

We were thrilled to see the nearly 500 of you who came to our State of the Sixth in Phoenixville. Serving as our representative in Congress is the privilege of a lifetime.

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan delivers her State of the Sixth at the Colonial Theatre in Phoenixville. 

In 2019, the House of Representatives passed over 400 bills, and we are ready to continue building on that progress this year. I am committed to passing legislation that helps our Commonwealth's families, businesses, schools, and veterans. Here's a look back at some of the historic legislation we've passed in the House that will: Hundreds of bills still await action in the Senate, but that won't stop me from continuing to fight for this community we all call home. That's why I'll continue to work across the aisle with all my colleagues, Democratic and Republican alike. We are a purple place--neither red nor blue--here in the Sixth District. We are a pragmatic people, and it's that pragmatism, coupled with a patriotic sense of duty and service, that drives me to serve us all in Washington.

I'm proud to have delivered some of the following wins for Pennsylvania: 

Securing Paid Parental Leave for Federal Workers

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan celebrates the passage of her paid parental leave legislation through the Senate. The President signed this legislation into law in December. 

My office was a driving force behind legislation to provide 12 weeks of paid parental leave to all federal workers. Working with members of Congress who have also served in the military and the Administration, I was able to help get this critical legislation signed into law by the President, marking the first time in American history that each and every federal worker will be able to get paid parental leave. I am thankful for the coalition we built to get this far, and I will continue to press for other paid leave programs that help strengthen our businesses and our families. No hardworking American should be forced to choose between building a family and building a career. Not only does this build strong families, but it also ensures strong communities and a strong economy.

Empowering and Supporting our Veterans

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan discusses her launch of the first ever Servicewomen and Women Veterans Congressional Caucus. 

As a third-generation veteran, I know how important it is to address the unique challenges our servicemembers face. Transitioning from one's active duty status to veteran status is very difficult, which is why I helped pass a law requiring each branch of the armed forces to provide a transition assistance program for women to educate them on the services the VA offers. The VA is an invaluable resource to our veterans, both young and old, but many people leave the military without an understanding of the benefits available to them. My bill aims to change that, educating those who have worn the uniform on benefits they can access at the VA. I've also cosponsored more than 30 veteran-focused bills addressing issues like access to quality health care, educational benefits, and entrepreneurship opportunities.

Lowering Prescription Drug Prices and Defending Protections for Pennsylvanians with Pre-Existing Conditions

Rep. Chrissy Houlahan meets with health care providers at Temple University Health Center to discuss shoring up the Affordable Care Act and groundbreaking innovations in patient care. 

Ever since I was sworn into Congress, the number one issue in our community has been access to quality and affordable health care. Far too many of our families are unable to afford the skyrocketing costs of prescription drugs. I am working aggressively to defend the Affordable Care Act and protect the thousands of Pennsylvanians with pre-existing conditions. I helped pass the Protecting Pre-existing Conditions & Making Health Care More Affordable Act of 2019 and helped lead an effort to repeal the "Cadillac Tax," which would have greatly increased the burden on working Americans who rely on their employer for health care coverage. Every American should be able to access the care and prescriptions they need. 

Delivering for the Community: Constituent Services 
When I took office, I set a goal of returning more money to the Sixth District than it costs to run my office (each Congressional office costs the taxpayer approximately $1.3 million to run). I'm proud to announce that, after returning $1.8 million to constituents, we have turned a healthy profit for the people of our community. So whether you need help navigating a federal agency or applying for a federal grant, my office is your office. We are committed to returning value to each and every one of us.

It's been an amazing year, and I'm so grateful to have shared it with you. We have made progress on the issues affecting our everyday lives, but of course, there is still work to be done. Here's to a productive 2020!

If you wish to tell us your thoughts on this or any other issue of importance to you, fill out our contact form. As always, please subscribe to this e-newsletter to keep up with our many events and the legislative work we're accomplishing for Pennsylvanians.

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