From Voto Latino <>
Subject what President Biden said about voting rights
Date March 29, 2023 11:01 PM
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[Graphic: Picture of Biden with quote "The right to vote ... to have your vote counted is the threshold of democracy and liberty. This fundamental right remains under assault."]
Donate to help us reach young Latinos and mobilize them to vote >> ([link removed])
We have good news and bad news, John.
First, the bad news: Voting rights are under attack across the country. 
Following the 2020 election, Republican politicians in nearly half of all states passed new limitations on voting. Now, in states like Arizona, Ohio, and Texas, lawmakers are working to implement even more restrictions ahead of 2024. Texas legislators, for example, are trying to direct new resources to pursue prosecution of election officials who are just doing their jobs! 
Now, the good news: Our team at Voto Latino has a plan to fight back!
By the next presidential election, a whopping 4.1 million young Latinos will reach voting age. If we can reach these young people and get them to the polls, we can reshape the electorate and usher in a new generation of leaders who will protect our democracy.
Will you donate now to help us register and mobilize young Latinos in key battleground states so we can execute our complete strategy?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Republicans know just how powerful our votes are — that's why they're working so hard to restrict access to the ballot. Now, we need to work even harder to reach young Latinos in key battleground states so we can make our communities' voices heard.
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— Voto Latino

Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States
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