I'm so excited to share what we've been working on in response to the attempt to overthrow President Trump. Together, we've messaged our individual lawmakers more than 100,000 times to oppose impeachment using Rally Congress but House Democrats ignored our calls to stop the partisan impeachment hoax. 

Now we're going from coast to coast to defeat House Democrats and BOOT PELOSI!!!
By the time you're reading this email we have less than 50 days until the tour launch on March 14th in San Francisco. Our team is busy scheduling events, interviews, and rallies in more than 50 cities. We're targeting the most vulnerable House Democrats, most of whom represent districts that President Trump won in 2016.   
As you can see our route takes us from coast to coast. We're going to travel 9,593 miles and make more than 50 stops. We're busy putting individual event pages together but hopefully we'll get a chance to meet in one of the many cities we'll be stopping in! 

On top of all the planning we're doing, we still need help funding the tour. We are asking people who want to help us Boot Pelosi to sponsor that tour at four different levels: 

We need 1,000 supporters to donate $20.20 for victory in 2020

We need 500 event sponsors to give just $1 for every stop we make by giving $56

We need 500 tour sponsors to give $.01 for every mile we'll travel by giving $95.93

We need 100 patriots to donate $1 for every House Democrat who voted for impeachment by giving $230
If you help us defeat House Democrats and BOOT PELOSI by donating now we would really appreciate it. No one will work harder to make sure that President Trump doesn't have to deal with Nancy's nonsense during his triumphant second term! 

If you can't donate but still want to support our efforts, please keep an eye out for more information in these emails and you can still use the Rally Congress to Oppose Impeachment to contact your Senators and tell them enough is enough with this impeachment hoax! 

In future emails, we'll personally thank everyone who donates at one of our four sponsorship levels. 

Every little bit helps! 
Blessings to you and yours,

Dustin Stockton
America First Projects
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