Dear Friend, I won’t lie to you. Yesterday was difficult all around. I went home at the end of the night feeling like I had been kicked in the stomach by the conservative Supreme Court justices. On the third anniversary of Trump’s first Muslim ban, the Supreme Court decided to give Trump the green light to implement his racially motivated wealth test on immigrants while several courts debate its legality. This decision by the Supreme Court will have massive ripple effects across the nation — the changing definition of a “public charge” will hurt countless families with members who are immigrants, including an estimated 9 million US citizen children. On the heels of this news, media outlets have reported recently that Trump is considering yet another ban, this one barring people from up to seven more countries from seeking permanent residence or U.S. citizenship, as well as restricting pregnant women from coming to the U.S. I wrote about my reflections on the three years since the Muslim ban was first implemented. I’d love it if you could take a look. All these developments represent the Trump administration’s commitment to redefining who’s deemed worthy — by the administration — of being an American, or who belongs in our nation. As NILC’s executive director, and one of thousands of people who’ve fought tirelessly against these policies for over three years, my heart aches. But as an immigrant, I know that our communities are resilient, and as a lawyer, I know we have many more fights ahead of us. Today, in fact, we were in Richmond, Virginia, with hundreds of our partners and allies to argue in court against the Muslim ban. After a day like yesterday, I was reminded of how I felt when Trump announced his first ban: In the midst of the panic and fear it sparked, America’s better angels sprang into action in full force. Much like the thousands of people who packed airports in 2017, today we packed the courtroom as we firmly said together: No Muslim Ban Ever. Read my reflections on the 3rd anniversary of the Muslim Ban here. |