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March 29, 2023

TOMORROW: Competitive Birding & Birdathon Webinar at 7:00 PM

Photo: Greg Butcher

When: Thursday, March 30, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: Virtual
Fee: FREE!

Join Greg Butcher for a free and fun webinar that will cover competitive birding, stories of some of the world’s top birders, suggestions for planning a big year, and information about our local big day fundraiser - Birdathon. Participants will leave with concrete strategies to see more species than ever before and a list of prime birding spots to check out. High school senior Maxwell Julius will also join us and share his story of his Birdathon adventure from last year, along with tips to see more birds. We will also reveal our special prize for the winning Youth Birder team. 

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