John —
You know what I think the best feeling in the world is? It’s that feeling you get when you care about something so much and you find out there’s a whole community of people who care as much as you do.
That’s how I felt when I joined RepresentUs and it’s how I’m feeling right now.
Since our Democracy Reformers Training Series kicked off it’s been amazing to see the response from our movement’s leaders – people who are seasoned pros and people who are brand new to this work.
This training series has brought together some of the best and brightest minds in our movement to learn from and grow with each other. This deep, long-term work that we’re doing right now is how we build this movement to the size it needs to be to take on our corrupt political system.
But we can’t do it alone. Can you make a generous one-time gift of $20, $30, or even $50 to make work like this possible?
Dozens of people are involved in this program, building skills and making connections that will power the campaigns needed to beat back corruption at every level.
More leaders. More local campaigns. More trained, passionate advocates going out and talking to their neighbors who are also fed up with the way the system works and could join us in doing something about it.
That’s how this movement wins.
I’m so proud of my team for the hard work they’ve put into making the Democracy Reformers Training Series a success – and I hope you are too. The RepresentUs team is eager to do more work like this in the future to scale our movement in a way that strengthens our community. But we need the resources in order to do it. That’s where you come in.
If you make a one-time gift now you’ll help us continue work like this long-term. We’ll make sure we spend every dollar you give today on winning more campaigns and building our movement city by city, state by state.
We’re thrilled to be sharing the experience of our 10+ years of expertise. Help us keep this work going.
Thank you for all you do for Team Democracy.
Megan Caska Senior Political Director RepresentUs