
Hi John,


It’s up to us to keep up the drumbeat on child care, every day until the budget is done. Our state decision makers — Governor Kathy Hochul, Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Speaker Carl Heastie — need to continue to hear our voices!


Today, help us keep up the pressure by taking the three quick actions below.


Action 1: Send an email to your State Legislators

Click below to send an email to your State Legislators telling them that we need the enacted budget to include $1.2 billion for the child care workforce and $60 million to ensure all children are included regardless of their immigration status.  


Action 2: Record and share a video

Help us keep up the pressure by recording and sharing a 1-minute video answering the question: why is child care is important to you? 

Here’s how to do it: 

  • Go somewhere quiet 
  • Hold your phone horizontal 
  • Keep it to a minute or less! 

Then post your video TODAY to your social media platforms!


Tag the budget negotiators so they see it — @GovKathyHochul, @AndreaSCousins, and @CarlHeastie. And remember to use the hashtag #NYSUniversalChildCare!

Check out the example video from Reshma Saujani, founder of  Moms First


Action 3: Sign up for a call relay TODAY

We will generate calls to Governor Hochul, Majority Leader Stewart Cousins and Speaker Heastie's offices every 15 minutes urging them to fight for a final budget that includes $1.2 billion for the child care workforce and $60 million to ensure all children are included regardless of their immigration status.


Who you’re calling →
Governor Kathy Hochul 518-474-8390

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (518) 455-2585

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie 518-455-3791


Why you’re calling → We need the enacted budget to include $1.2 billion for the child care workforce and $60 million to ensure all children are included regardless of their immigration status.  


When you’re calling → Today (Wednesday, March 29) between 2 PM and 8 PM


Phone relays are similar to a phone bank, but we’re asking participants to sign up to make calls during specific time slots throughout the day, so we can keep the phones ringing all day for maximum impact. (Please note that even though we have created 15 minute time slots, you should only need about 5 minutes to make your two calls.)

Phone numbers & Call script

Governor Kathy Hochul 518-474-8390

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins (518) 455-2585

Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie 518-455-3791


"My name is _________ and I am a (parent/ provider/community member) calling from (your town). 


I’m calling to ask you to include at least  $1 billion in the final budget for the child care workforce, and $60 million to ensure all children are included regardless of their immigration status. 


Child care providers earn less than 97% of occupations in New York. Without direct investment in this workforce, we cannot have enough child care for all of New York's families who rely on it. New York’s children and families are counting on you. Thank you."


Jasmine Gripper

Executive Director