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World Resources Institute


7 Ways Faith Organizations Are Fighting Inequity and Supporting Sustainability 

Churches and other faith-based organizations wield tremendous influence in cities due to their sizable congregations, community engagement, and land and financial assets. From creating cooling centers in heat-stressed neighborhoods to advocating for affordable housing, learn about the innovative ways faith organizations are making cities more sustainable and equitable. Read more.

Roman Catholic monks in Ukraine | Photo by ANDRIY B/Shutterstock
Roman Catholic monks distribute supplies in Lviv, Ukraine in May 2022. Faith-based organizations often provide critical resources to communities in need, especially during times of crisis. Photo by ANDRIY B/Shutterstock  
Forest | Photo by Andrew Coelho/Unsplash

Explainer: What Exactly Is Carbon Removal? 

The latest report from the world’s most authoritative body on climate science shows that lowering emissions alone will not be enough to prevent the worst impacts of climate change. The world will also need to actively remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This process can be as simple as planting trees or as technological as scrubbing CO2 from the air and storing it underground. WRI experts break down six options for carbon removal and why we need it. Read more.

Getting water in a river | Photo by hadynyah/Shutterstock

How Does the World’s New Water Action Agenda Stack Up? ​

The UN Water Conference concluded on March 24, 2023 with a Water Action Agenda, where governments, multilateral institutions, businesses and NGOs submitted more than 670 commitments to combat global water risks. WRI analyzed the commitments and found that while 70%  of them lack quantified targets or enough consideration of climate risks, about 200 promise to be real game-changers. “These commitments — if funded — could have real impact, ensuring more people can access clean water and sanitation, helping communities build resilience to floods and droughts, and reducing the risk of water-driven conflicts,” said WRI President & CEO Ani Dasgupta. Read more.



GHG emission reductions needed | Graphic by WRI
Graphic by WRI

Scientists say that exceeding 1.5 degrees C of global temperature rise will bring increasingly dangerous floods, droughts, species die-off and more. The latest IPCC report finds that keeping the 1.5-degree limit within reach requires steep emissions reductions in the near-term. Learn more.