John, We’re just a few days away from our first end-of-quarter fundraising deadline of the year. I just ran a quick report, and we’re still $10,575 away from hitting our budget target. Keith is fighting back against Republicans and powerful special interests who are trying to take away our right to choose, make us less safe, and make corporations more powerful and the middle class weaker. Just this month, he joined a lawsuit challenging unnecessary restrictions for dispensing Mifepristone — the leading method for safe and effective abortion in the United States. When Keith makes a promise, he follows through. So whatever comes our way, Keith will have our back. But to make sure we’re able to have his, we need a big rally right away to keep our budget on track. If you activate your 2023 Keith Ellison support record today, you can help us get one step closer to our budget target. We’re counting on you to step up today. Our deadline is right around the corner, and Keith needs to know we have his back. Can you activate your 2023 Keith Ellison support record today by making a contribution? KEITH ELLISON 2023 SUPPORTER RECORD SUPPORTER ID: If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately: Thank you, Mark Racchini
Attorney General Keith Ellison is the People’s Lawyer, fighting to help people afford their lives and live with safety, dignity, and respect.