BREAKING FROM CNN: Republican-led states like Texas and Florida are fighting to ban thousands of books!

CNN: Book bans move to center stage in the red-state education wars

SIGN NOW: Add your name to condemn Republican book bans >>

>> [250 more signatures needed from Democrats in District of Columbia

Republicans across the country are campaigning to BAN books and CONTROL what our children read.

BUT IT GETS WORSE: They’re rushing to ban books about racial discrimination, LGBTQ+ rights, women’s history, and more!

So Democrats like Jamie Raskin are courageously standing up against hateful Republicans and their horrifying book bans.

Jamie Raskin: The wave of book bans that has swept across our country in recent years is a direct attack on First Amendment rights and should alarm every American who believes that freedom of expression is a fundamental pillar of our democracy.

Friend, this is time-sensitive. Add your name now to condemn these despicable Republican book bans >>

SIGN NOW: Add your name to condemn Republican book bans >>

Don't miss your chance to sign.

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