We believe these hours are too precious to waste in schools that are failing our children. I AGREE
Children and parents don’t have the luxury of waiting for years, hoping their public school will improve.
That's why the American Federation for Children is committed to bringing education freedom to every state and putting education choices back into the hands of parents and students, NOT teachers unions.
So, how are we doing that? Simple. With our four-step plan:
📚 Amplifying the voices of school choice success stories from parents and students.
📚 Advocating for change at the state and national levels through school choice legislation.
📚 Connecting families directly to resources to make the best education decisions for their children.
📚 Identifying and developing tomorrow’s leaders in the school choice movement.
But we need your help. With a $14 donation today, you could maximize a child’s 14,000 hours of K-12 education and set them up for a lifetime of success.