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Wednesday, March 29th, 2023


To Fight the State, We Must Build Nonstate Institutions

Ryan McMaken

Italy Coronavirus: New Explosive Information

Jon Rappoport

Lesson of 1999 Bombing of Serbia Ignored in the West

Kurt Nimmo

An Eastertime Carol

James Howard Kunstler

Governance by Artificial Intelligence: The Ultimate Unaccountable Tyranny

Brandon Smith

Bank Bailouts Will Devalue the Dollar

Peter Schiff

Turns Out, Ebola Likely Leaked From a Lab as Well

Dr. Joseph Mercola

L’Entente Is a Bitter Pill for the West

Alastair Crooke

It’s Immoral To Serve in an Immoral Military

Caitlin Johnstone

Fat, Stupid, and Diverse

J. Robert Smith

Europe Abandons All-Electric Car Mandate

Igor Chudov

German Health Minister Admits Covid Jabs Can Cause ‘Permanent Disabilities,’ Contradicting Past Statements

Andreas Wailzer

Political Theatre

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