Here’s an unfortunate fact about Washington, folks --

Most politicians depend on big donors and lobbyists to fund their campaigns. That’s why they spend most of their time taking care of big moneyed interests while hardworking folks like you are forced to fend for themselves.

And Mitch McConnell spends every day making sure the corporations and lobbyists who write massive campaign checks to Republicans make out like bandits.

That includes trying to strip health care from working families, jamming through a tax bill to benefit the ultra-wealthy, and yes -- refusing to hold the Trump Administration accountable regardless of what they do.

That’s why it’s so important we double down on our efforts to take back the Senate this November. But if we don’t meet our very first monthly fundraising deadline of 2020 by Friday, we won’t have the resources we need to win this fight.

So, we’re asking: will you make a critical donation toward our end-of-month goal before Friday? If we want to win against the shadowy players controlling Washington, we can’t let up on our fundraising, not even for a moment.

Donate now

Thanks for anything you’re able to pitch in,

Team Tester