Friends - I’m going to keep this as quick as I can, but can I get real for a second?
Your inbox is probably really full right about now, overflowing with all kinds of campaign missives talking about this Friday’s end-of-quarter deadline and why they need your donation. And look - they probably do. The pressure around FEC deadlines is big, and more often than not, a strong showing on the next public report can genuinely make a huge difference to a candidate.
I’m not immune - my re-election campaign relies on support from people like you for all kinds of things. Here’s just some of what’s in our budget that has to be paid for:
- An office in my district to serve as a home base for all our campaigning
- Fair, liveable wages for my staff on the ground and everyone who supports this campaign
- Design, printing, and postage for mailers to make sure every voter knows what’s at stake in the election and when and how to go vote
- A digital presence to make sure we’re reaching voters everywhere, from a website to online advertising to social media
And so much more - because running a successful campaign requires a LOT of moving pieces. But let’s get beyond the budget for a minute, because the FEC deadline is about more than that.
It’s also about the realities of public financial reporting. Not only is it critical that we raise money to cover all the costs in our budget, we also operate in a world of perceptions - so it’s extremely important to SHOW people that our campaign is capable of being successful.
So look, I’m coming to you because I can’t do this alone. If I’m going to do all of those things, from covering our budget and communicating to voters to showing our strength, I need your support.
We’ve got 3 days to go, and we’re still short on our grassroots donor goal. If you haven’t donated yet, can you pitch in any amount right now to help close that gap and get to 400?
Thank you so much.

Congresswoman Sara Jacobs
California’s 51st District